What do you THINK about Aging in Little Compton? Survey begins Sept 26

With the assistance of a consultant, the Town created an Aging in Little Compton Community Assessment Survey so that residents 55+ can share their views on existing programs and services, and future needs for seniors in the community. The survey will begin SEPTEMBER 26 and there will be a number of  Survey Assistance Events for those who would like to take the survey but may have questions about accessing the survey, want help typing, need access to a computer or Wi-Fi, etc.

Brownell Library Refreshments & Survey Assistance: On Friday September 27 from 10 – 1 pm and Thursday October 3 from 12:30 – 3:30 pm the library will make computers available and assist residents getting onto the survey and answering technical questions about filling out the survey. While you wait or after you take the survey we will have FREE REFRESHMENTS for your enjoyment.
